When you decide to become a wildlife photographer, you have to consider that you will spend many hours in a cold or in a hot environment, and eaten up by mosquitoes. Most of the time you will come up empty-handed, in other cases you will be able to freeze a fascinating moment like the takeoff on the water of an egret. I got this shot with a Tamron 150-600 and a Nikon D7500 body.

When you decide to start taking this type of photography, you must take into account that you will spend many hours in the cold, in the heat or inevitably sucked by mosquitoes. Most of the time you will come home with a fistful of flies instead of a good photo, in other cases you will be able to freeze a fascinating moment like the aquatic take-off of an egret. I got this shot with a Tamron 150-600 and a Nikon D7500 camera body.